A new eCommerce business is both an exciting and stressful time. You need to get things into place quickly. After all, about 90% of all eCommerce businesses will fail within the first four months of operation. Therefore, to ensure the maximum chance of success, you must have everything in place. While you might think this is just about stock and marketing, it also means your brand identity, so you will want to have a good name, and with the eCommerce name generator that is easier.

In this article, we will help you to develop and deploy a brand new eCommerce name for your new business with our innovative eCommerce name generator. This free tool has helped numerous brands worldwide to develop a name for their brand, even this website has used our tool to create a name that is catchy, memorable, and helps to sell.

So, start reading ahead to learn why and how you can use the eCommerce name generator to help you build a brand generator for your website. And this is without the expense of a marketing team, which can often be a waste of resources.

Why Use an eCommerce Name Generator?

There are numerous reasons why anyone will want to use an eCommerce name generator. It is the first part of the branding that many of your audience will see. Therefore, it is the best way to create that first impression. If you don’t have a catchy brand name then you might find that your business is easily forgotten by the consumers. And many new business owners do find it tough to come up with a new name for their brand.

If you’re just eCommerce, then you need a name that can cut through the online noise. There are hundreds upon thousands of competitors and you need to be seen above them. While some of this is due to your marketing, your name forms a significant part of that marketing drive.

A good name won’t just attract audiences for one purchase. They will remember the name, and they will come back to your online store, like on Shopify, Wix or Squarespace, all the time. Also, some customers might want to come back to you at another time, perhaps after a trip out. For 80% of orders, it can take between five and twelve interactions to make that first sale. If you don’t have a memorable name they won’t know how to find you online.

Another problem is that you might want to have a professional name that can help you win over suppliers. Some suppliers will have criteria on who they sell to. If you sound unprofessional, they just won’t deal with you.

You might also want to have a unique name for your business so that you don’t get sued by other brands. Many brands can be very territorial about their name, especially if they’re a large successful brand, like Zara. Using an eCommerce name generator allows you to protect yourself from potential legal action.

A name generator can also cut down the time that it takes to name your new business. Then you can spend more time on other aspects of your business like finding suppliers or marketing your brand.

Tips for Choosing a Great eCommerce Business Name & Starting an eCommerce Business

Here are our best tips to help you choose a name for your new eCommerce business to attract investors, clients, and customers!

Tip One – Your name needs to be unique

To start with you need to ensure that your name is unique. There are numerous reasons for this. For example, you don’t want potential customers to get confused with other companies. For instance, having Cher’s Candles when there is another brand called Candles for Cher. You don’t want to use this as people could get confused and some of your potential customers might go to the wrong eCommerce website.

Another problem you might have is that you could be struggling to rank for your brand name if you choose a name similar to another. Therefore, you want to keep as distant from these as possible.

You might also need to think of legal issues. Some big brands will take you to court if your name is deemed too similar to their name. A legal case like this can cost you so much that it will end your business.

Tip Two – Think about the Future

You don’t want to choose a name for your eCommerce business that will prevent you from expanding the business later on. Think about Amazon. Amazon was originally just a book shop, however, it didn’t always want to be that way, they eventually wanted to sell everything online. Therefore, instead of going for something simple like theonlinebookshop.com they went with Amazon.com. And now they are the biggest eCommerce store in the world.

Likewise, don’t limit your brand by having a limited name. For instance, don’t use candles in your name if you’re going to sell fragrances or dinner plates, or something else in the future. Another common issue is when brands use a location in their name but then later on expand and sell in more places. So don’t say New York Pizza Company if you plan to sell in Washington in the future.

Tip Three – Try Using Concatenations Within your Name

Perhaps you might want to make your name more memorable by using concatenations. These are relatively simple to use and are regularly employed by numerous large brands. For example, KFC, BMW, and BHB Reptiles. If it is just you, why not use your initials? Or perhaps you would like to combine three words that explain your brand into three letters.

Tip Four – Ensure Social Media Accounts are Available

All online stores market on social media. Although social media only accounts for between 1% and 3% of all sales, it doesn’t mean it isn’t a part of the sales process. You need to have a strong presence on these platforms to attract new audiences to learn about your brand.

Therefore, you need to check that you can claim social media accounts with your name. You might find that there are stores on Etsy or eBay that don’t have a website but have claimed these social media accounts. Avoid these if possible.

Tip Five – Ensure the Domain is Available

This one might seem obvious, but there are often people who come up with great names, start with the marketing process, get the logos, the flyers, and the letterheads and then go to register the domain name only to find that they have not got access to it. It can be a big waste of money and something you want to avoid right from the beginning.

A domain check takes just a few seconds and is completely free to do.

And there are different ways that you can have a domain. You could have one that is a shortened version of your brand name or you could have your exact name. Just remember to have your domain as short as possible and as memorable as possible. You don’t want to be hit by SEO penalties and complexities because your domain is wrong.

How to Produce a Great Brand Identity Using the eCommerce Name Generator

These steps will help you to use the eCommerce name generator effectively to come up with a new name for your new business venture. It takes just a few hours if you’re organized, but the process can take longer for those that would like it to.

Step 1 – Create a List of Important Words

The first step is to brainstorm a list of potential words that describe what is important to you about your eCommerce business. It is going to be personal as well as identifiable with your business. It might be about your values, your products, where you are, who your customers are, or something else. You want this list to be as long as possible.

Step 2 – Reduce the List to the Best Options

Now you have a long list, you will want to reduce that list down to about 10 words that mean the most to you. If you want to have help, this is the time to reach out to your support network, colleagues, friends, family, customers, or other people and ask them for their opinion.

Remember to have about 10 words, any fewer and the next few options might be harder to achieve.

Step 3 – Add your Names to the eCommerce Name Generator to Get eCommerce Business Ideas

Now you can add some of the shortlist of words into the eCommerce Name Generator. This free tool will help you to generate a lot of names quickly. Every time you click on ‘Generate’ you will get a list of names to consider.

  • nosy Candles
  • helpful Candles
  • melted Candles
  • financial Candles
  • elegant Candles
  • promising Candles
  • comparable Candles
  • joint Candles
  • loud Candles
  • divine Candles
  • naughty Candles
  • very Candles
  • motionless Candles
  • conservation Candles
  • wise Candles
  • particular Candles
  • damp Candles

  • busy Kids Toys
  • civic Kids Toys
  • grey Kids Toys
  • occupational Kids Toys
  • past Kids Toys
  • subjective Kids Toys
  • separate Kids Toys
  • comparable Kids Toys
  • perfect Kids Toys
  • mobile Kids Toys
  • main Kids Toys
  • abstract Kids Toys
  • urban Kids Toys
  • glamorous Kids Toys
  • grotesque Kids Toys
  • grim Kids Toys
  • spotty Kids Toys
  • temporary Kids Toys
  • territorial Kids Toys
  • tense Kids Toys
  • required Kids Toys
  • scientific Kids Toys
  • historic Kids Toys

eCommerce Name Generator

You can try the eCommerce Name Generator below. This free simple tool allows you to create hundreds of potential names very quickly. Every time you click on the ‘Generate’ button, you will be provided with a list of new names to consider.

Get a Name Idea

Step 4 – Reduce Your List Down

By now, you should have hundreds of potential names. However, that doesn’t mean you have to check hundreds for potential suitability in the next few steps. You can reduce the list to between 10 and 20 names. These should be names that you like the sound of. If you need help, get someone you trust to help you.

Step 5 – Check for Use by Other Brands

Now come the harder parts. You want to ensure the names you’re looking at aren’t in use by other brands. You don’t want to have customers getting confused and going to your competitor when you want them to buy from you, just because you’ve used a name that is too similar to someone else. For example, you don’t want to be using the name Toys for New York when another brand is called Toys of New York.

And don’t be tempted to use a similar name of a successful brand either. There might be legal implications from this, and it could cost your business lots of money. Or you could lose potential customers. And you will never be able to compete on social media or SEO.

Step 6 – Check Social Media

You need to make sure that there are no other social media users with the same name or something similar. This is a long process because you want to make sure that there isn’t an account that is active or fake. So many brand owners assume that old, dead accounts aren’t a threat, but they are. The old user might come back and restart using their account or customers might get confused.

And it can also be that while a brand is not visible online, they are selling. Consider other marketplaces like eBay and Etsy. A brand could be active on there and have social media, but no domain or other listing.

Step 7 – Check Domain Name Status

You will also want to check for the domain availability of the name. You need to find a name that is not close to other sites. One of the biggest errors for customers is to mistype the name they want. So if you have a name that is too similar to another website, you could have customers accidentally finding them and not you.

Step 8 – Choose your Name!

Now it comes to the fun and exciting part. You can choose the name for your eCommerce business. You should have a smaller number because some should have been wiped off the potential list because of social media, domain, or existing business. From those names that remain, if there is more than one, you can choose your favorite.

Step 9 – Register Your eCommerce Name Everywhere

Now you can register your eCommerce name everywhere. You should register your domain, social media, listing locations, and more. Even if you don’t intend to use a platform, get your name listed there. This action prevents others from using the name and attempting to pretend to be you.

Final Word: eCommerce Name Generator

Above are all the steps that you need for using the eCommerce name generator. It is a simple tool that you can use. With just a few hours of work, you could have a name for your new business. Good luck.

The eCommerce name generator is completely free to use. It is an excellent tool for you to come up with a new name for your business. And it can deliver lots of potential identities that you can choose from.
The eCommerce name generator cannot guarantee that a name is available. There are too many hidden businesses that have names that can never be tracked. That is why you need to check.
Technically speaking, there is the chance of two eCommerce businesses having the same name, but they can’t have the same domain. And the same name might confuse audiences, so it is best to avoid it.
You can certainly look into options to copyright any business name that you would like. However, this can be expensive and it might not be worth the money you spend on it.
No, you cannot register a domain and have it for life. Domains are typically rented for one and three years and after that, you must renew your registration.
In theory, it is possible to sell a domain, and many brands do this for lots of money. But the brand’s value is based on success. So if you have a domain from a failed eCommerce company, it is going to be worth very little.

If you don’t like your eCommerce store name in the future you can change it. However, there are problems with brand identity and how consumers are going to see your brand.

It can take just a few minutes to register a domain name. All you need to do is to click on the domain name from the eCommerce name generator to check if it is available and to buy it.

The domain name can be used on any platform including Shopify, WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace. It depends on your preference.
The average cost for a domain name is about $10 per year. However, the longer you buy a domain the cheaper the cost per year will be.