Georgia Business Name Search
When you want to start your own business in Georgia, you will want to have a name that will catch the imagination of your consumer and be remembered. However, at the same time, you will need to have a name that is unique and not protected by state law. Therefore, you will need to perform a Georgia business name search.
The naming process is not the easiest. However, it can be done without too many issues. In this guide, you will be taken through the way to come up with a business name, do a Georgia business name search, and then register it with the state. If you want to have your business a success, then you need to read on.
Preparing and Checking Georgia Business Name Availability
To register your business name with Georgia state, you need to prepare for the whole process. The first thing that you need to do is to generate a few business name ideas. That way you can check for business name availability. There are plenty of guides and tips online that can help you generate a great business name.
Another option is to use a business name generator. Some are specific to genres. Others are more generic. These are normally free tools as well. You can generate hundreds of potential business name uses and then you can make changes as you see fit.
Here are some of the best tips to help you generate a name:
Keep it memorable: A good memorable name is the main goal. A name that can be remembered can improve your brand’s success in retaining customers. Longer names are harder to remember, but shorter names are better.
Keep it original: An original name is going to be better for you in numerous ways. For one, it protects you from legal action. Another is that it is more authentic.
Think Outside the State: Be sure that any name can be translated across other states and in other countries. Otherwise, expansion can be much harder.
When you are checking for business name availability, it is better to have several name ideas available. So if there is a name that has been taken, you don’t have to start the whole process again. Once you’ve found a name that you like and is available, you can register a Georgia business name.
How to Complete a Georgia Business Name Search
Now you should be able to complete a Georgia business name search. You can do this through the Georgia Corporations Division website, which is a business search function for the state. What you need to do is to type in your proposed business name to see whether there are any results.
The results that are returned from your search should include details such as when they were incorporated or registered, current status, and other information. In addition, you should be able to see if there are names that are too similar.
Once you’ve completed this step, it is a wise idea to also check Google, and social media and complete a domain search. Sometimes there is someone who has not registered the business but is using the name. While technically you can then register the name, it might not always yield the best results. If they’re successful, others will confuse you with them and you might lose your key audiences.
How to Register a Georgia Business Name
If you’ve found a completely available name, then you will want to register a Georgia business name. You can register your business as an LLC or you can use another business structure, whatever is best for you and your current business circumstances.
You will also need to determine whether the business you are registering is going to be foreign or domestic. If your business is domestic, then its founding is within the state of Georgia. If it was founded in another state then it is a foreign business.
You should also select a registered agent for the business. The registered agent is an individual or business entity that can represent your business and take all documents from the government for your purpose. Numerous businesses offer this service, including ZenBusiness and Bizee.
If you’re looking to register the business as an LLC but don’t feel you’re ready yet, then it might be best to reserve the business name. This can be done through the Georgia Secretary of State. There is a cost to this process, and the reservation will last a limited time, after which you will need to pay another fee.
If you need to contact the Secretary of State for any reason to help with the process, their details are as follows.
Website | |
Phone | 1-800-436-7442 |
[email protected] | |
Opening Hours | Mon-Fri, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm |
Registering an LLC
If you are looking to register your business as an LLC, then you will need to have several documents and pieces of information ready. These will include:
- An LLC name.
- Name and address of the person filing for the name.
- An email address.
- Mailing address.
- Registered agent’s name/address
- Business organizers’ name/address.
You will also need to make a payment. You can pay for the business registration either through a credit or debit card, money order, or cashier check.
You can complete the process online or you can send the documentation in the mail. Online, you just need to go to the website, find the right form and then complete the process. It will require you to create a user account.
What are the Costs to Register a Georgia Business Name?
To register a business in the state, you have to pay a fee. The fee in the state is $100. And this will result in your business name being registered within seven business days. While the cost is slightly higher than the average across the country, the processing time for the state is much faster than much of the country.
But if you would like to have your registration within two business days, you can pay a $200 fee. There is also a $250 fee for completing the process on the same day.
Final Word: Georgia Business Name Search
If you want to run a business in Georgia, then you will complete a Georgia business name search. It is a simple process when you know how. Just follow the information above.