Maryland Business Name Search
- Why Start a Business in Maryland?
- 1. Location
- 2. A Caring Community
- 3. Local Government Support
- 4. A Growing Labor Force
- 5. Resources for Small Business Owners
- Why Check for Business Name Availability in Maryland?
- Steps for a Maryland Business Name Search
- Step 1 – Choose Some Business Name Ideas
- Step 2 – Maryland Business Name Search to Check Business Name Availability
- Step 3 – Other Searches
- Step 4 – Register a Maryland Business Name
- Final Word: Maryland Business Name Search
Maryland is well respected in the United States. In 2022, a report found that it was one of the least desirable states to move to in the US. Yet there are several benefits to the state and you could easily start a business in Maryland that can help you secure your financial future. However, part of that process is the Maryland Business Name Search. So in this process, we will discuss this process and how to check for business name availability.
Why Start a Business in Maryland?
There are some great reasons why you would want to start a business in Maryland. Here are some of the top reasons that can be so important to consider.
1. Location
Maryland is incredibly close to Washington DC. Therefore, businesses have a unique opportunity to draw customers to share their passion for business all over the country. Congressional staff members tend to visit Maryland at some point, so they could visit any business in Maryland state. And usually, these people are the ones that can open new opportunities for small business owners.
2. A Caring Community
The state is known as a very caring community, especially when it comes to business support. Communities can rally around the new startups and help them to become a success. One of the big community spirits in Maryland is to buy from local brands, not just national (or international brands).
3. Local Government Support
State and local government officials in the state are committed to small business growth. They are helping small businesses to become more successful in the state and allowing for their growth to be quicker and more successful.
4. A Growing Labor Force
Maryland is boasting a revival of its labor force. Their unemployment rates have fallen sharply, despite there being more people in the state at a working age. As a result, businesses are finding that it is easier to find the talent that they need. But at the same time, they aren’t finding the labor ill-equipped to complete tasks, creating highly productive, highly efficient teams at small businesses.
5. Resources for Small Business Owners
There are numerous opportunities for businesses in Maryland to get the resources they need to succeed. There are numerous venture capitalists in Maryland and in the capitol. There is also lots of mentoring, one-on-one help, and other support schemes that those in Maryland can get access to. One resource is the US Small Business Administration, which allows for services like financing, counseling, and application for federal business assistance.
Why Check for Business Name Availability in Maryland?
One of the key parts of building a business is creating a brand with a name that audiences will recognize. The problem is, that there are so many businesses that are active, in reserve, or that have ceased operations (but still registered/protected) that original and unique names aren’t as easy to find.
And there are numerous reasons why you would want to ensure that you have a unique name. For one, you need to make sure that your business can’t get confused with another entity. Those that already exist will benefit more with some of your traffic being directed to the competitor, simply because Google prefers older brands to newer brands.
And then there are legal reasons. There is likely some protection when a brand already has a name associated with it. You using the same name can mean you’re taken to court to stop using the name. You might need to pay compensation and court costs as well.
This can be very expensive and is completely avoidable.
Steps for a Maryland Business Name Search
So here are the steps you need to do for your Maryland business name search. It is a very easy process that can be completed within just a few hours.
Step 1 – Choose Some Business Name Ideas
The first step is to choose some business name ideas. The mistake that many business leaders make is that they choose one name and then do the business name search. However, if they find the name already exists, which often means, then they have to start the process again.
Therefore, you should start with a list of about 15-20 potential business name ideas that you like. To help you, you can use a business name generator. These are useful, free online tools that can help you generate dozens of names for potential use.
All you need to do is to enter a keyword, and several options will be generated.
Step 2 – Maryland Business Name Search to Check Business Name Availability
Now you need to check for business name availability. To do this, you need to go to Maryland’s Secretary of State website. Now visit the ‘Business’ section of the website, then you can select ‘Business Resources’.
You can then select the ‘Business Entity Search’. This part of the website is where you can search for business names. Just enter the business names that you would like to search for.
Here are the details for Maryland’s Secretary of State contact information.
Website | |
Phone | (410) 974-5521 |
[email protected] | |
Hours | 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, Monday – Friday |
Step 3 – Other Searches
You might also want to do some other searches online. You can check social media, domain searches, and even other marketplaces. Names that are registered in other states will not show on Maryland’s website.
Step 4 – Register a Maryland Business Name
Now you need to register your Maryland business name. This process can be complicated. And it is highly recommended that you register your business name as a domain, social media accounts, and other accounts you might need for your business. All registrations can be processed on the Maryland secretary of state website.
There are costs to registering a business name. To register a trade name, there is a fee of $25. You can speed up the filing process for an additional $50. There is also the option to reserve your business name for 30 days when you want to file for an LLC business structure, the cost of this is $25.
Final Word: Maryland Business Name Search
Above are the details that you need to ensure that you can complete the Maryland business name search with ease. It is a relatively simple process that doesn’t take much time, but one that requires you to be prepared.
According to statistics, Maryland is ranked 39th in the USA for the best states to start a business in. However, it is next to Washington, which has the best business survival rate in the country.